Sunday 11/4
- HarvestCall
Collection - By working
together as a brotherhood through HarvestCall, we can offer assistance and
hope by proclaiming Christ and serving others in the U.S., Mexico, Haiti,
Jamaica, Europe and other places, striving to see that God is glorified.
Your generosity is important and necessary to meet the needs of the
various missions of our brotherhood.
Thank you for your faithful love, prayers, and benevolence.
- The Fall ACYF
Program in Bloomington at 6PM - Students and teachers should meet at the high school
parking lot at 4:45PM. All are welcome to attend. Thanks for your prayers and support for
our Bible Class students and teachers!
- "If God
is Good…Why is There Pain and Suffering?” by Bro. Brian Sutter ( his
is the second of a three part Bible study series on Apologetics (giving a
defense of the Christian Faith). Teenagers are encouraged to attend.
- WOW has been
Cancelled - so students
can attend the Bible Study.
- ACTIVE will
Meet in the Basement
- HOPE will Meet in the Kitchen
- Scripture
Memory Class
Saturday 11/10
Raking - If you would
like your yard raked or know of someone who would appreciate their yard
raked, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board or contact Sis.
Katie Isaia at 309-339-7074 or
- Testimonies of
Jim and Julie Tibbs at 6:45 - with
baptisms planned for Sunday
Sunday 11/11- Annual
Family Thanksgiving Hymn Sing - We
will be sharing a meal together starting at 5:30 pm before the singing. Pizza
will be served so please use the the online sign up if you are planning to
attend. The link is in the emailed announcements. If you have any questions or
are unable to sign up online and are planning to attend, contact sisters
Marjorie or Susan Bertschi.
Thursday 11/22 - Thanksgiving
Services at Church at 9:45 - there
will be no Wed. evening services on 11/21
HarvestCall’s Winter Rebuilding Ministry will be in Hardin County,
Texas - Numerous homes will be rebuilt or repaired for
disadvantaged people who suffered catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Harvey.
They are in need of our help to repair and rebuild their homes and lives. Forty
volunteers are needed each week starting January 6, 2019 and continuing through
March 29, 2019. Please consider giving of your time and talents to minister to
those in need.
- Skilled tradesmen AND unskilled workers are needed, as are those with a passion to share their faith with those we serve.
- Online registration is required for team members and opens at noon Central time November 15 at
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