Sunday 12/16
· Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
· 2019 Information Changes and Updates - To be completed by today.
· Church Phone Directory - If you have any updates you may either fill out the form online (, send an email (, or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board.
· One Call Now - To update any information on the OneCallNow system used for weekly announcements and church notifications, or to be added to the Prayer Request email list, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel at
· Dinner List - If anyone wishes to add or remove their name please contact Bro. Don or Sis. Colleen Leman
· All Church Rotating Potluck - If you were signed up for this year’s potluck you will automatically be included for 2019. If you have any additions or deletions to the existing list, please note them on the sheet posted in the back hall and on the women’s bulletin board. All are welcome to participate.
Wednesday 12/19 - Back to Bethlehem at 7:30 - A program celebrating the birth of our Lord, "Back to Bethlehem," will be presented on Wednesday night, December 19, at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to bring friends and neighbors.
Tuesday 12/25 - Christmas Day Services at 9:45 - there will be no Wednesday evening services on the 26th
Sunday 12/30 - Sending Service for the Lemans at 12:00
Monday 12/31 - New Year’s Eve Service at 7:15 - there will be no Wednesday evening services on the 2nd
Thursday 1/3 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00
Nursing Home - There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for individual birthday cakes and cookies for the nursing home for 2019. This is a great way for you to support the Home from your own home.
Funeral Coordinator - We need a volunteer to fill the job of assistant funeral coordinator. The job is two year commitment. The second year you would move to the head funeral coordinator position. Please contact one of the trustees if you feel moved to accept this position.
AC Central Update- Changes to AC Central continue in the effort to get the live streaming service to be more reliable. In addition to the streaming server changes that were announced last week, there is now an update to the AC Central app in the Google Play Store. This affects Android users only and includes a new audio player which should dramatically reduce the number of stream drops. Please make sure your app is up-to-date on your device. If you are running an iOS device (Apple), there are no changes or updates at this time. If you are streaming through the Roanoke Church or AC Central websites (i.e. not through an app), there are no changes that need to be made. As a general rule, regardless of the operating system is a good idea to make sure the app is always up-to-date. The developers work on the AC Central app every week and will release an update when they have a batch of improvements or fixes to push through. This is still not expected to be cure-all, fix-all for the streaming issues. But it should dramatically improve the Android user experience. If you still experience streaming issues, please let Bros. Matt Leman or Byron Gerber know so that the issues can be documented and sent back to AC Central for their troubleshooting purposes.
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