12/9/18 Announcements

Sunday 12/9 - Sunday School Christmas Program at 12:00 - The Sunday School and Bible Class students will present a program celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus.

Monday 12/10 - Carol Whitten’s Funeral at 10:00 - Visitation is Sunday from 2:00 - 4:00 and then from 9:00 - 9:45 prior to the funeral service.

Tuesday 12/11 - Helping Hands will meet 9:00 - 3:00 - Lunch will be provided by the committee. Emphasis for the day will be on decorating bags for the Haiti project, finishing comforters and other small projects. All are invited.

Wednesday 12/12
·       Deadline to Join the Roanoke Haiti Work Team - The Roanoke church has another opportunity to support the Lord’s work in Haiti with this season's construction team. The dates for the upcoming work team are February 15-22, 2018. If you are interested in going on the work team please contact Bro. Jonathan Hodel by Dec 12th.
·       Youth Activities
o  Bible Class - Random Acts of Kindness at 6:15 - Students should meet at the Fellowship Hall pizza and random acts of kindness. The activities will be completed by 8:30.
o   ACTIVE will Meet in the Bible Class Room at 7:30
o   HOPE Christmas Party will be at Bro. Brett Hodel’s at 7:15
o   Scripture Memory Class Should Arrive at the Nursing Home Lobby at 6:45

Wednesday 12/19 - Back to Bethlehem at 7:30 - A program celebrating the birth of our Lord, "Back to Bethlehem," will be presented on Wednesday night, December 19, at 7:30 p.m.  All are welcome and encouraged to bring friends and neighbors.

Sunday 12/30 - Sending Service for the Lemans at 12:00

Saturday 1/12 - Save the Date - for a morning ladies’ coffee for the women of the Roanoke Church.  More details will follow

2019 Information Changes and Updates - To be completed by Sunday 12/16
  • Church Phone Directory - If you have any updates you may either fill out the form online (http://www.roanokeacchurch.org/directoryUpdate.asp), send an email (DirectoryUpdates@roanokeacchurch.org), or fill out a paper form in the North hall and drop it in the box near the bulletin board.
  • One Call Now - To update any information on the OneCallNow system used for weekly announcements and church notifications, or to be added to the Prayer Request email list, please contact Sis. Jenell Hodel at cjhodel@gmail.com
  • Dinner List - If anyone wishes to add or remove their name please contact Bro. Don or Sis. Colleen Leman
  • All Church Rotating Potluck - If you were signed up for this year’s potluck you will automatically be included for 2019.  If you have any additions or deletions to the existing list, please note them on the sheet posted in the back hall and on the women’s bulletin board.  All are welcome to participate.

Nursing Home - There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for individual birthday cakes and cookies for the nursing home for 2019. This is a great way for you to support the Home from your own home.

Assistant Funeral Coordinator -  We need a volunteer to fill the job of assistant funeral coordinator. The job is two year commitment. The second year you would move to the head funeral coordinator position. Please contact one of the trustees if you feel moved to accept this position.

Ben Mangold e-mail Correction - The correct address is benjaminmmangold@mail.com.  (its "mail" not gmail)

AC Central - We understand there have been issues in the past couple of weeks with listening to live services through AC Central or the Roanoke Church website.  The streaming service will show us Offline when we actually are streaming from the church.  This is not isolated to the Roanoke church.  When this happens, every single church in the AC Central dropdown list is shown as offline.  We apologize for the inconvenience and frustrations this has caused and we thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue. We have started to make some changes and have changed over to a – hopefully – more reliable streaming server.  Please bear in mind that this is not expected to fix all streaming problems. There are multiple parts to this offline issue and this fixes one of them. We are still working with the AC Central team on the others and will continue to make changes per their recommendations. If you still experience issues, please let Bros. Matt Leman or Byron Gerber know so that the issues can be documented and sent back to AC Central for their troubleshooting purposes.

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