9/1/19 Announcements

Sunday 9/1 - Last Day to Vote on the Repair Projects

Thursday 9/5 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00 - Many volunteers can be used for Helping Hands this month.  We have been blessed to have been asked to do projects for our own Nursing Home & the Cancer Center....plus our ongoing projects. Often people think they are not qualified, but a wide variety of skills are needed: coloring, tying, cutting, taping, packing, sweeping, counting, simple machine sewing, and a desire to encourage others. Anyone with an hour or 6 hours can help: men, women, students, young moms with pre-schoolers. For more information: text or call sisters: Joan or Martha.

Friday 9/6 - Hymn Sing at Timber Ridge - The 7th and 8th grade students, teachers, and their families, are invited to an evening hymn sing at the Timber Ridge (Home for the Handicapped) in Morton. Please meet at 6:10 pm at the old Commerce bank in Roanoke. Singing begins at 7 pm.  We plan to go out for pizza afterwards. Please RSVP to Bro. Eric and Sis. Jodi Hoffman.

Sunday 9/8 - Berean Stamp Collection - Many stamps are used for the Bible studies and other materials that they send to the inmates. The ministry is very appreciative of everyone who helps grade the Bible studies. Approximately 5,000 bibles and 10,000 Bible studies are mailed out each year. There will be a basket in the north hall Sept. 8 and 15 if you would like to donate a roll or book of stamps. Additional information about Berean Prison Ministries and their annual banquet is posted on the bulletin board. If you have any questions, please see sisters: Donna or Rebekah Schwind. 

Wednesday - 9/11 - Financial Topical Bible Study at the Fellowship Hall - this is the first of a two part series to be held on 9/11 and 9/25 that will include topics such as:  what the Scripture says about finances, how to budget and getting out of debt.  If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel who will be presenting on this important topic. 

Saturday 9/14
  • Ladies’ Day - “Daughters of the King” will be the theme for this year’s Ladies’ Day. We look forward to a day of cross-generational interaction, fellowship and encouragement through talks and discussions for all women who attend Roanoke church, high school age and above. It will be at the fellowship hall from 9:15 - 1:30, with registration and a coffee bar from 8:45 - 9:15. Please RSVP by September 9 by signing up on the bulletin  board or emailing Sis. Jill Sauder at jsauder72@gmail.com.
  • Volunteers Needed to Remove Trees - A crew of volunteers is needed to remove two large trees in the cemetery and at the north west corner of the fellowship hall.  We will need people to drag brush to the brush chipper, cut some wood, haul chunks of wood to the trailer and clean up with rakes. The project will start at 1:30 on September the 14th (ladies conference in the fellow ship hall till 1:30) and again on September 21st at 8:00 AM. All help will be very much appreciated . Contact brothers: Jason Knepp or Greg Moser with any questions.

8/25/19 Announcements

Sunday 8/25
·     Sunday School Starts at 9:45
·     Trustee Announcement - The trustees plan to take a few minutes after the service Sunday morning  to present some maintenance projects for the church building

Friday 9/6 - Hymn Sing at Timber Ridge - The 7th and 8th grade students, teachers, and their families, are invited to an evening hymn sing at the Timber Ridge (Home for the Handicapped) in Morton. Please meet at 6:10 pm at the old Commerce bank in Roanoke. Singing begins at 7 pm.  We plan to go out for pizza afterwards. Please RSVP to Bro. Eric and Sis. Jodi Hoffman.

Wednesday - 9/11 - Financial Topical Bible Study at the Fellowship Hall - this is the first of a two part series to be held on 9/11 and 9/25 that will include topics such as:  what the Scripture says about finances, how to budget and getting out of debt.  If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel who will be presenting on this important topic. 

Saturday 9/14 - Ladies’ Day - “Daughters of the King” will be the theme for this year’s Ladies’ Day. We look forward to a day of cross-generational interaction, fellowship and encouragement through talks and discussions for all women who attend Roanoke church, high school age and above. It will be at the fellowship hall from 9:15 - 1:30, with registration and a coffee bar from 8:45 - 9:15. Please RSVP by September 9 by signing up on the bulletin  board or emailing Sis. Jill Sauder at jsauder72@gmail.com.

HarvestCall Missionary Packet Updates -  You can pick them up by the north hall bulletin board. The missionaries appreciate your prayerful support for them while they are in the field. There are books available if you have not picked one up before. Please check with Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker if you have questions. Thank you!

Around the Table - If you have not been able to download “Around the Table” onto AC Central please see Bro. Frank, one of the IT brothers, or someone younger who can help you. 

8/18/19 Announcements

Sunday 8/18
·    Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund Collection
·    Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
·    ISU Young Group/Wesleyan/Heartland Community College Annual Welcome Night -  A pizza dinner will begin at 4:00 at the Bloomington church, and parents are encouraged to attend! This evening is meant to be an informational meeting about our young group, but more importantly as a night to become acquainted with one another in anticipation for the upcoming school year. An RSVP is not necessary

Weekend of Aug 23rd - The Nursing Home Benefit
·     There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for:  
o  Pies for Friday evening dinner and Saturday lunch stand.
o  Helpers for the pies
o  Pop donations 
o  Clean-up committee
·     Farmer’s Market. Produce can be dropped Friday afternoon/evening
·     Baked Goods - Donations can be dropped off at Country View Lobby on Fri.12:00-3:00 
·     Help Needed Sitting Up -
o  Thursday, August 22 at 6:00, we will be setting up tables and chairs. We would really appreciate having men and boys come to help out. 
o  On Friday morning, we will be doing more set-up from 8:00-12:00. Men and women are needed.Lunch will be provided.

Sunday 8/25 - First Day of Sunday School - Start time is 9:45

Sunday 9/8 - Invite-A-Guest Weekend is Cancelled and will be Rescheduled 

Thursday 9/12 - Berean Prison Ministries Annual Banquet at 6:00pm at 5 Points - For additional banquet information please contact Bros: Bob Bradle and Tim Martin.  Information is also located in the back hall or you can go online at: https://bereanprisonministries.org/events-2/

Need for Volunteer Drivers  - Our Home in Roanoke is in immediate need of volunteer drivers to  transport residents to activates and Dr. appointments. There are 2 caravans that the Home owns to use for transportation.  If this is something you think you could help the Home with, please contact Michelle Kennell at 309-923-2071, Ext. 114, or email her at michelle@achroanoke.org.

HarvestCall Missionary Packet Updates -  You can pick them up by the north hall bulletin board. The missionaries appreciate your prayerful support for them while they are in the field. There are books available if you have not picked one up before. Please check with Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker if you have questions. Thank you!

Conference Summary - Although Wed. night’s conference summary talk is not available on AC Central, anyone may request a CD. 

The General Conference Message - This year, we will not be playing the messages during Wednesday night church.  A written summary of the talks will be e-mailed out on Monday. The talks are also available on AC Central under the event tab. 

Around the Table - The Elder Body is pleased to announce the debut of Around the Table, a podcast containing Christ-centered teaching on AC Central (an update is required and will be available this Sunday). Our desire is that listeners will become more fully equipped through this audio teaching to fulfill our role in the body of Christ, for his kingdom and glory. Around the Table is produced by Onward Media, a new Apostolic Christian communications organization which is forming now and will be fully active Jan. 2020. Onward Media will be responsible for Apostolic Christian Publications (the bookstore), The Silver Lining, AC Central, our national church website, and other existing and new content. For more information, see www.onwardmedia.org.

8/11/19 Announcements

Wednesday 8/14 - Conference Summary

Saturday 8/17 - Back to School Pizza Party for freshmen through seniors from 6-9pm at Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Megan’s home. Students are encouraged to invite a friend.

Sunday 8/18
·       Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund Collection
·       Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
·      ISU Young Group/Wesleyan/Heartland Community College Annual Welcome Night -  A pizza dinner will begin at 4:00 at the Bloomington church, and parents are encouraged to attend! This evening is meant to be an informational meeting about our young group, but more importantly as a night to become acquainted with one another in anticipation for the upcoming school year. An RSVP is not necessary

Weekend of Aug 23rd - The Nursing Home Benefit
·      There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for:  
o  Pies for Friday evening dinner and Saturday lunch stand.
o  Helpers for the pies
o  Pop donations 
o  Clean-up committee
·       Farmer’s Market. Produce can be dropped Friday afternoon/evening
·       Baked Goods - The congregation is also encouraged to bake items for the bake sale. Donations for the bake sale can be dropped off in the Country View Lobby from 12:00-3:00 on Friday, August 23.

Silver Lining - Silver Lining committee is asking readers to submit a short essay on: "practical ways to maintain contentment when it's so easy to compare & complain." The contributions are due by Sept. 16. Additional information is on the bulletin board. 

Need for Volunteer Drivers  - Our Home in Roanoke is in immediate need of volunteer drivers to  transport residents to activates and Dr. appointments.  There are 2 caravans that the Home owns to use for transportation.  If this is something you think you could help the Home with, please contact Michelle Kennell at 309-923-2071, Ext. 114, or email her at michelle@achroanoke.org.

8/4/19 Announcements

Sunday 8/4 
·       ACCFS Collection
·        2020 Junior and Senior Mission Trip Meeting - There will be an informational meeting in the cafeteria following afternoon services for all Junior and Senior students and pare8/nts. If you are not able to attend this meeting, please contact Bro. Brad or Sis. Jill Sauder.

Wed-Fri 8/7-9 - Pray for the Conference In Goodfield - The elders meet on Wed - Thurs, Thurs   evening, is the elder/minister meeting and Fri  is the General Conference

Weekend of Aug 23rd - The Nursing Home Benefit
·      There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for:  
o  Pies for Friday evening dinner and Saturday lunch stand.
o  Helpers for the pies
o  Pop donations 
o  Clean-up committee
·      Farmer’s Market. Produce can be dropped Friday afternoon/evening
  • Baked Goods - The congregation is also encouraged to bake items for the bake sale. Donations for the bake sale can be dropped off in the Country View Lobby from 12:00-3:00 on Friday, August 23