1/26/20 Announcements

Sunday 2/2
  • Brothers’ Prayer Gathering at 9:15 in the Intermediate Room
  • February Collection - HarvestCall General Fund
  • 2020 Phone Directory - are located in boxes at each of the main entrances into the church
  • 2020 Schedule Cards - are located in the bookcase in the North Hall.

Wednesday 2/5
  • Scripture Memory Class at 7:15
  • ACTIVE at 7:15
  • HOPE - has been rescheduled for the 12th.  They will meet in the church kitchen. 
  • WOW at the Martin’s at 7:00

Thursday 2/6 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00. All are welcome!

Sunday 2/9
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
  • Annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing at 4:30 at the Fellowship Hall - Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please bring a covered dish. Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those attending. To order the proper amount of meat, please sign up by Wednesday February 5.  Parking assistance will be available for those who would like help parking their cars.
  • ACYF in Goodfield

Saturday 2/15 - Testimonies on Saturday at 7:00 with Baptisms on the 16th -  Charity Feucht, Destyne King, Dalton Logan

Monday 3/2 - Church Cleaning - This is a date change from the schedule card

Monday 3/9 - Fellowship Hall Cleaning - This is a date change from the schedule card

Sunday 3/15 - Invite-a-Guest - We will be hosting Invite-a-Guest on Sunday, March 15th.  All are welcome to participate by inviting a guest, couple, or family to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, with a singing promptly following the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the north hall. Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jamie Hodel. Please mark your calendars and invite others to worship with us. 

Silver Lining - Request for Articles:  “What have you learned about ways to keep your daily time in the Word and prayer from getting stale?” For additional information, please see the notice on the bulletin board. 

The Home has a Country View apartment available - If you are interested, please contact Bro. Nate. 

Other Ways to Learn and Serve
  • Saturday 4/18 - The 2020 Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction -  The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available for $75 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups. Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. Their contact information will be on the announcement posted in the north hall. (Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com  Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu )
  • Saturday 4/18 - ACMF Meeting at the Goodfield Fellowship Center - The Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) Meeting is for health care providers and their spouses. If you are listed on the HarvestCall Health Care Provider list, you will receive an invitation with a Google sign-up list via email. For health care providers who are on the provider list, we appreciate your responses by March 28, 2020. For health care providers not on the list, you can contact Sis. Lori Wiegand llwiegand@gmail.com if you plan to attend.  All church associated health care providers are invited and encouraged to attend this event.

1/19/20 Announcements

Sunday 1/19
  • January Collection - The Nursing Home (see details below) 
  • Peoria Rescue Mission Services at 8:00 AM -  We can always use singing help. We hope to leave the west parking lot at 7:15, and will be back before our morning service.  Bro Nate will be having the message. Any questions please contact Bro. Tim Martin.
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Home at 1:30
Wednesday 1/22 - Proverbs Bible Study - “Avoiding Bad Company is a Good Idea”  Proverbs 1:8-19 (Bro. Isaac Wofford/Washington)  “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” Proverbs 1:10 

Saturday 1/25 - The Bible Class Ski Trip - There is still room on the bus, so if anyone from Church is interested in going, please contact Bro. Eric or Sis. Jodi.

Sunday 2/9 - Annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing at 4:30 at the Fellowship Hall - Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please bring a covered dish. Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those attending. To order the proper amount of meat, please sign up by Wednesday February 5.

Saturday 2/15 - Testimonies on Saturday at 7:00 with Baptisms on the 16th -  Charity Feucht, Destyne King, Dalton Logan

Sunday 3/15 - Invite-a-Guest - We will be hosting Invite-a-Guest on Sunday, March 15th.  All are welcome to participate by inviting a guest, couple, or family to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, with a singing promptly following the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the north hall. Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jamie Hodel. Please mark your calendars and invite others to worship with us. 

Other Ways to Learn and Serve
  • Saturday 4/18 - The 2020 Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction -  The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available for $75 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups. Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. Their contact information will be on the announcement posted in the north hall. (Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com  Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu )
  • Saturday 4/18 - ACMF Meeting at the Goodfield Fellowship Center - The Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) Meeting is for health care providers and their spouses. If you are listed on the HarvestCall Health Care Provider list, you will receive an invitation with a Google sign-up list via email. For health care providers who are on the provider list, we appreciate your responses by March 28, 2020. For health care providers not on the list, you can contact Sis. Lori Wiegand llwiegand@gmail.com if you plan to attend.  All church associated health care providers are invited and encouraged to attend this event.

1/12/20 Announcements

Sunday 1/12
  • January Collection - The Nursing Home (see details below) 
  • 2020 Rotating Potluck - church potluck lists can be picked up in the back hall.

Wednesday 1/15
  • WOW at the Martin’s at 7:00
  • ACTIVE at 7:15
  • HOPE at 7:15 at the Fellowship Hall
  • Scripture Memory at 7:30

1/19 - Peoria Rescue Mission Services at 8:00 AM -  We can always use singing help. We hope to leave the west parking lot at 7:15, and will be back before our morning service.  Bro Nate will be having the message. Any questions please contact Bro. Tim Martin.

Wednesday 1/22 - Continuation of our Proverbs Bible Study -  a list of the studies and when they will occur will be posted in the back hall and emailed. 

Saturday 1/25 - The Bible Class Ski Trip - There is still room on the bus, so if anyone from Church is interested in going, please contact Bro. Eric or Sis. Jodi.

Saturday 2/15 - Save the Date - Testimonies on Saturday at 7:00 with Baptisms on the 16th. 

Sunday 3/15 - Invite-a-Guest - We will be hosting Invite-a-Guest on Sunday, March 15th.  All are welcome to participate by inviting a guest, couple, or family to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, with a singing promptly following the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the north hall. Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jamie Hodel. Please mark your calendars and invite others to worship with us. 

Saturday 4/18 - ACMF Meeting at the Goodfield Fellowship Center - The Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) Meeting is for health care providers and their spouses. If you are listed on the HarvestCall Health Care Provider list, you will receive an invitation with a Google sign-up list via email. For health care providers who are on the provider list, we appreciate your responses by March 28, 2020. For health care providers not on the list, you can contact Sis. Lori Wiegand llwiegand@gmail.com if you plan to attend.  All church associated health care providers are invited and encouraged to attend this event.

Nursing Home Job Opportunity - The Home is accepting applications for an HR/Payroll Coordinator.  If you have experience in this type of work and would like to learn more about this position, please see Bro. Nate Hoffman.

Other Ways to Learn and Serve
  • Gridley Church is Offering the Perspective’s Class - Beginning January 14th, 2020, Gridley will be hosting a 15-week discipleship course called "Perspectives" at the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-9:00. This course seeks to discover God's heart for all nations in the Bible, throughout world history, and in our world today.  Information can be found at  https://www.perspectives.org/ and if you are interested, please register by clicking here.  The course features a different instructor each week from various backgrounds that will travel from all over the country. Because of this, there is a cost of $275/person to participate.
  • The 20 Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction -  is scheduled for Saturday evening April 18th at the Food Bank location in Normal. The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available for $75 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups. Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. Their contact information will be on the announcement posted in the north hall. (Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com  Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu )

1/5/20 Announcements

Sunday 1/5
  • High School Students (16 and over) at the Peoria County Jail -  The group will leave the High School at 6:30 am and have lunch on the way home.
  • Brothers’ Prayer Gathering at 9:15 in the Intermediate Room
  • Afternoon Service - The Purpose of Proverbs...Proverbs 1:1-7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7 
  • January Collection - The Nursing Home - It is nice to be operating the Home with a positive cash balance for this past year.  The Board and I feel that we can now make some capital improvements that have been delayed due to the financial situation we found ourselves in over the past several years.  As you know, we are planning to update the canopy in front of our main entrance, along with remodeling the front lobby and the activity room. Our goal is to have all three of these projects completed by the end of 2020.  We are also putting the finishing touches on 2 resident rooms that we have been working on this winter. We hope to continue to remodel resident rooms when we feel that we have the funds to do so. Thank you so much for supporting the local mission of our church.  Your donations are always very much appreciated, and necessary to meet the ever growing costs of caring for our senior church members and community. Here is a link to some testimonies given at our Homecoming Benefit the past three years https://www.achroanoke.org/testimonials

Wednesday 1/8 - HarvestCall Family Night 6:30-8:00 -  All families are encouraged to come and participate in filling kits for Haiti and Jamaica. 

Saturday 1/11 - Birthday Celebration - Ladies’ Coffee at the Fellowship Hall 9:00-11:00 - Join us for a morning of coffee, devotions and fellowship as we celebrate our birthdays and re-birthdays. Bring your thoughts on special birthday traditions and/or your testimony of your spiritual rebirth in Jesus. 

Sunday 1/19 - Peoria Rescue Mission - We will have the service at the Peoria Rescue Mission on the 19th at 8 AM.  We can always use singing help. We will be finished by 9, and back in time for our morning service.

Saturday 1/25 - The Bible Class Ski Trip - There is still room on the bus, so if anyone from Church is interested in going, please contact Bro. Eric or Sis. Jodi.

Saturday 2/15 - Save the Date - Testimonies on Saturday at 7:00 with Baptisms on the 16th. 

Saturday 4/18 - ACMF Meeting at the Goodfield Fellowship Center - The Apostolic Christian Medical Fellowship (ACMF) Meeting is for health care providers and their spouses. If you are listed on the HarvestCall Health Care Provider list, you will receive an invitation with a Google sign-up list via email. For health care providers who are on the provider list, we appreciate your responses by March 28, 2020. For health care providers not on the list, you can contact Sis. Lori Wiegand llwiegand@gmail.com if you plan to attend.  All church associated health care providers are invited and encouraged to attend this event.

Nursing Home Job Opportunity - The Home is accepting applications for an HR/Payroll Coordinator.  If you have experience in this type of work and would like to learn more about this position, please see Bro. Nate Hoffman.

Other Ways to Learn and Serve - Gridley Church is Offering the Perspective’s Class - Beginning January 14th, 2020, Gridley will be hosting a 15-week discipleship course called "Perspectives" at the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-9:00. This course seeks to discover God's heart for all nations in the Bible, throughout world history, and in our world today.  Information can be found at  https://www.perspectives.org/ and if you are interested, please register by clicking here.  The course features a different instructor each week from various backgrounds that will travel from all over the country. Because of this, there is a cost of $275/person to participate,