9/13/20 Announcements

September’s Collection - Sunday School  

Sunday 9/13 

  • Sunday School Starts at 9:00

    • 3 year olds through 2nd grade will come up the northeast stairs at 10:05.  Parents should pick up their students outside in the parking lot by the cemetery and then get their child a snack

    • 3rd grade - Bible Class will come up the northwest stairs.  Snacks will be available for them outside.

    • With respect to our public schools we are recommending that students follow the same protocol for public school while they are downstairs in Sunday School. 


Sunday 9/20 - ACYF is cancelled


Communion - Plans are being made for communion this fall.  We are tentatively looking at Sunday 10/25, 11/15, or 11/22.  If you have any thoughts about these dates please let one of the ministers know by next Sunday. 


Job Openings

  • LifePoints - Executive Director - Due to the pending retirement in mid-2021 of Bro. Ron Messner, our current Executive Director, Apostolic Christian LifePoints is seeking applicants for the position of Executive Director. A position description will be posted soon on AC Central, under the “job postings” section. In addition, the position description will be included in the upcoming Silver Lining editions. Instructions for applying for this position, along with additional information, will be included in both of these locations. We encourage those who have an interest, are qualified, and have a heart for serving the intellectually and developmentally disabled community, to prayerfully consider submitting an expression of interest and resume. We ask our entire church body to be prayerful as we work through this very important process involving one of the primary mission activities of our church.

  • LifePoints - Nurses - full time first shift as well as PRN nurses - for more information visit:  www.aclifepoints.org

  • ACCFS - Administrative Assistant (full time) - for more information, please contact the ACCFS office at: office@accounseling.org

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