1/29/2012 Announcements

Sunday 1/29 - ACYF
The Bible Class will meet at 3:30 at the High School  today for ACYF in Tremont.

Monday 1/30 - Sis Mabel Getz’s Funeral
            Visitation for Sis. Mabel Getz is today from 1:00 to 4:00 and her funeral will be Monday at 10:00.

Saturday 2/12 - All-Church Potluck and Family Sing
The annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing will be Sunday, Feb. 12, at 4:30 at the Fellowship Hall. Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please bring a covered dish. Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those attending. To order the proper amount of meat, please sign up by Wed., Feb. 8.

Saturday 3/24 - Men’s Seminar
Due to a scheduling conflict, the Men's Seminar has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 24th.  This seminar is for all men in the church high school age and older, members and friends alike.  You can access information about this seminar and other scheduled spiritual teaching events on the Roanoke church website by clicking on Ministries and then clicking on Roanoke 2012 Spiritual Teaching Plan.  Any questions should be directed to Bro. Tim Hohulin.

Financial Reports and Schedule Cards
The annual financial reports and the Schedule Cards will be available in the north hall today and next Sunday. 


Bro Rich Knepp - Cards and notes of encouragement can be sent to Bro. Rich and Sis. Janet at University of Chicago Bernard Mitchell Hospital, 6 NW – Richard Knepp, 5841 S. Maryland Ave. MC 6041, Chicago, IL  60637-1470.  A greeting card schedule has been organized for Bro. Rich Knepp.  A signup sheet is on the women’s bulletin board for anyone interested in sending a note of encouragement.

Winter Small Group Bible Studies - “Identifying and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts
     Our small group Bible studies have been a blessing and learning experience. To keep us all growing and in the Word, a winter/spring session on “Identifying and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts” is being planned. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The session will begin on February 17 with a one evening teaching seminar by Bro. Kevin Knapp and will be followed up by 3 sessions of small group studies, with each session lasting approximately 1hrour and 15 minutes. You may sign up on the bulletin board in the back hall or by e-mailing Brock Gerber.    bjgerber@mediacombb.net
     Additional Small Group Studies
     We are again offering the studies that we have done in the past, if there are enough that sign up. The additional studies will start after the Spiritual gifts study and are: James, Titus, Philippians, Biblical Financial Study By Crown Financial, and Spiritual Headship for men.  

Church website information: roanokeacchurch.org
     Church directory changes should be sent to:   rac_directory@frontier.com
     2012 Spiritual Teachings Schedule:  http://roanokeacchurch.org/Documents/Spiritual%20Teaching.pdf
     Fellowship Hall Reservations may be viewed on the church website.  Reservations can be made at: FellowshipHall@roanokeacchurch.org or call Bro. Mike and Sis. Nancy Hoffman.
     World Relief winter work projects in Cullman, Alabama (south of Athens) and Bastrop, Texas:  http://www.acworldrelief.org/winter-work-projects-2012/