9/23/2012 Announcements

Sunday 9/23
     ACYF in Cissna Park - ACYF is today at Cissna Park.  The Bible Class will be traveling by bus.  The bus will be leaving the Roanoke Benson High School parking lot at 2:15 Sunday afternoon.  Please arrive a few minutes early. We expect the bus to return to the high school around 9:30 – 9:45.
     Small Group Bible Study on Forgiveness Sign up Deadline - A small group Bible study on forgiveness will begin in October.  There will be 8 sessions with each session lasting approximately 1 hr. and 15 min.  Each member and friend of our church is encouraged to participate. Please sign up by filling out a sheet in the back hall or by e-mailing brothers John Getz or Rob Luginbuhl. Today is the last day for sign up.
Wednesday 9/26 - Regular Wednesday Evening Service
Wednesday 10/3 - Scripture Memory Begins
Scripture Memory will start on Wed. night, October 3rd. The children will be bringing home a letter from Sunday School today.
Friday 10/5 - Home for the Handicapped Presentation at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 PM
The Apostolic Christian Home for the Handicapped will be giving a presentation October 5 at 7 pm in the Roanoke Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the presentation is to update you on the services of the Home, the ways the Lord has blessed it and their current needs. Everyone is invited. The Home is a mission of the Apostolic Christian Church and they encourage you to come and learn about what you are supporting.
     What We do: An explanation of services
     How We Do it: A review of our Stewardship
     Why we do what we do: Recorded Testimonies from Residents and Families
     What our needs are: Spiritual, Financial and Staffing
Sunday 10/7 - Family Hymn Sing at 6:30
Goodfield Choir has been invited for our Family Hymn Sing on Sunday, October 7th at 6:30.  There is a sign up sheet in the north hall for refreshments and kitchen help.
World Relief Winter Work Project 2013 at Cullman, AL (near Athens)             
The WR Winter Work Project will be a continuation of last years project in Cullman, AL (near Athens) to build and repair homes damaged by tornadoes.  It will will begin on January 7. For more information and registerstration, please go to the WR website:  www.acworldrelief.org
Hospital Lumiere Benefit
At Hospital Lumiere in Haiti, the past year has been busy with renovations, reorganization, additional doctors and staff. By God's grace, the Hospital Lumiere mission continues – "to provide excellent and effective medical care with compassion and Christian love."  To raise awareness and to provide financial support for this World Relief project, the 2nd annual benefit auction is planned on Friday November 2nd at 5:30 pm in Washington, Illinois.  Auction items are needed. If you can help by donating an item, contact Rich Bertschi. Items need to be received by October 13.
Looking Ahead:  
     Sunday 10/7
     Collection for  the Sunday School Fund
     Sunday 10/14 - Collection for the Nursing Home
     Friday 11/2 - Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction at Five Points

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