1/27/2013 Announcements

Sunday 1/27
     Family Sing at the Nursing Home - Family Sing will be held in the lobby of the Nursing Home this afternoon at 1:30.  All are welcome to attend. 
     Financial Reports - Copies of the 2012 Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church financial reports are still available in the North hall today
     ACYF in Eureka at 6:00 - The Bible Class will be going to Eureka for ACYF tonight.  Students should be at the High School at 5:00.

Wednesday 1/30
     January Topical Bible Study - “Perseverance” by  Bro. Byron Stoller, Gridley
     ACTIVE - the ACTIVE boys will be meeting Wednesday January 30th at 6:30pm in the Nursing Home Multipurpose room.  Pizza/drinks will be provided.  We will bring the boys back to church by 8:30pm.
     Clothing Drive Deadline - The Bible Class is holding a clothing drive for anyone who would like to donate clothes.
     They are accepting kids and men’s clothes, especially undergarments and blue jeans.
     They are not accepting any shoes, women’s clothes or summer clothes.
There will be boxes placed near the doors at church to collect the clothes.  We will make a final collection from the boxes this Wednesday.

Saturday, 2/2 - Bible Class Serves at Loaves and Fish
The Bible Class will serve at Loaves and Fish on Saturday morning, Feb. 2.  Students should meet at the High School at 8:45.  We will stop for lunch on the way back to Roanoke.  We should return early afternoon.

Sunday 2/3 - Mission Fund Collection

Sunday 2/10 - All-Church Potluck and Family Sing
The annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing will be Sunday, February 10 at 4:30 at the Fellowship Hall.  Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted.  Please bring a covered dish.  Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those planning to attend. To order the proper amount of meat, please sign up by Wednesday, Feb 6.

Volunteers Needed for Roanoke Ambulance
There's a great need in our Roanoke community for drivers and volunteers in the ambulance dept.  An EMT basic class will be held next month, free of charge, for anyone willing to help protect the community in this way.  Please call Bro. Joe Brady with any questions.  (ph.309-453-5741)

Winter/Spring Small Group Bible Study
Our next small group Bible study will be on Faith.  It will begin in mid February and will be 9 lessons long. You may sign up in the north hall by the bulletin board or by e-mailing brothers Rob Luginbuhl or John Getz.

Remodeling Project
The Trustees are planning to remodel the men’s north hall restroom, starting on February 4th. The Trustees are asking for your cooperation. During the project, the men who are able to use the stairs please use the mens restroom in the basement.

Surplus Items Available
The church has some surplus items that the trustees are making available, including assembly room benches, Sunday School benches, dining room benches, and mirrors and sinks from the men's restroom. Details and sizes are listed on the bulletin board. Please sign up if you are interested. Donations can be made to the Maintenance Fund.

CVE Operation Manager Position
Our ministry at CVE in Magdalena, Mexico mentors young lives with the truth, love, and hope of Jesus Christ.  This includes meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through education, training, and the security and stability of a home life.  The CVE ministry has been greatly blessed by God and has grown to the point that an Operations Manager is needed.  This position would report to the current Administrator and would be responsible for the day-to-day operations of CVE and coordination of activity on the campus.
CVE also has needs for both single brothers and sisters as well as married couples as they seek to meet the many needs of around 50 children in the orphanage and the numerous children that attend their school.  If you sense God prompting you to know more about this Operations Manager responsibility or serving in another capacity at CVE, please contact Bro. Bill Schick at (520) 395-6000 or email him at cvemexico@gmail.com.

1/20/2013 Announcements

Wednesday 1/23
     Scripture Memory
     HOPE - HOPE girls will meet this Wednesday, January 23rd. The girls will be packing rice pilaf kits at the Goodfield Distribution Center. Please have the girls meet at Commerce Bank at 6:00p.m. The girls will then be brought back to church by 8:30p.m. to ride home with their parents.
     Worship of Wednesday - For our high school students, Worship on Wednesday will be this Wed. evening the 23rd at 7PM at Bro. Scott and Sis. Bev Luginbuhl's house.

ACCFS Parenting Seminar
     Friday Evening 1/25 - 6:15-9:30
     Saturday Morning 1/26 - 8:45-12:00

Sunday 2/10 - All-Church Potluck and Family Sing
The annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing will be Sunday, February 10 at 4:30 at the Fellowship Hall.  Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted.  Please bring a covered dish.  Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for those planning to attend. To order the proper amount of meat, please sign up by Wednesday, Feb 6.

Bible Class
     Loaves and Fishes - The Bible Class is scheduled to serve at Loaves and Fish on Saturday, February 2.  We are holding a clothing drive for anyone who would like to donate clothes.
     They are accepting kids and men’s clothes, especially undergarments and blue jeans.
     They are not accepting any shoes, women’s clothes or summer clothes.
There will be boxes placed near the doors at church to collect the clothes.  We will make a final collection from the boxes on Wednesday January 30.
     Ski Trip - The Bible Class is planning a ski trip to Cascade Mountain in Portage Wisconsin on Saturday, February 16.  The bus will leave early in the morning and will return late at night.  More specific details will be made available in February.

Winter/Spring Small Group Bible Study
Our next small group Bible study will be on Faith.  It will begin in mid February and will be 9 lessons long. You may sign up in the north hall by the bulletin board or by e-mailing brothers Rob Luginbuhl or John Getz.

Remodeling Project
The Trustees are planning to remodel the men’s north hall restroom, starting on February 4th. The Trustees are asking for your cooperation. During the project, the men who are able to use the stairs please use the mens restroom in the basement.

Surplus Items Available
The church has some surplus items that the trustees are making available, including assembly room benches, Sunday School benches, dining room benches, and mirrors and sinks from the men's restroom. Details and sizes are listed on the bulletin board. Please sign up if you are interested. Donations can be made to the Maintenance Fund.

Financial Reports
Copies of the 2012 Roanoke Apostolic Christian Church financial reports will be available in the North hall today and next Sunday.

1/13/2013 Announcements

Friday 1/18 - ICC/Bradley Young Group Benefit Dinner
The ICC/Bradley Young Group benefit dinner will be this Friday at the Morton Fellowship Hall.  Dinner will be served anytime between 6:00-7:00 followed by a singing program at 7:30 featuring Testify.  All donations will support the young group's mission trip to Cullman, AL in the spring.

Saturday 1/19 - Testimonies
We plan to hear the testimonies of John Luginbuhl  and Hannah Sauder this Saturday at 7:00 and baptisms, Lord willing, on Sunday January 20th.

Bulletin Board Sign Ups
     Winter/Spring Small Group Bible Study - Our next small group Bible study will be on Faith. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The session will begin approximately  February 17 and is 9 lessons long. You may sign up in the north hall by the bulletin board or by e-mailing brothers Rob Luginbuhl or John Getz.
     Baptisms - There's a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for food and workers for the upcoming baptism on January 20th.

Remodeling Project
The Trustees are planning to remodel the men’s north hall restroom, starting on February 4th. The Trustees are asking for your cooperation. During the project, the men who are able to use the stairs please use the mens restroom in the basement.

Looking Ahead:  

Easter Program
Preparations will begin soon for the Easter program. If you would like to begin singing with the Youth Choir, the Men's Group, or Prairie Choristers, please send an email to Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com. (If you sang at the Christmas program, you are already on the email list).

Friday evening 1/25 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 1 - ACCFS will present Parenting with a Purpose.  This 2 part seminar will be held at the Fellowship Hall. Bros. Brian Sutter and Craig Stickling will be the presenters. 

Saturday morning 1/26 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 2

1/6/2013 Announcements

Tuesday 1/8 - Helping Hands from 9:00-3:00
Helping Hands will meet this Tuesday from 9-3. Bring a sack lunch.

Wednesday 1/9
     Memorandum - Bro. Marvin Dotterer from Forrest plans to be with us this Wednesday evening for the reading of the Memorandum.
     Scripture Memory Class - Scripture Memory Class will meet this Wednesday evening.
     Worship on Wednesday - Worship on Wednesday for high school students will be this Wednesday at 7:00 at the home of Bro. Kevin and Sis. Annette Fischer's.

Friday 1/18 - ICC/Bradley Young Group Benefit Dinner
The ICC/Bradley Young Group will have a benefit dinner on Friday January 18 at the Morton Fellowship Hall.  Dinner will be served anytime between 6pm-7pm followed by a singing program at 7:30pm featuring Testify.  All donations will support the young group's mission trip to Cullman, AL in the spring.

Bulletin Board Sign Ups
     Winter/Spring Small Group Bible Study - Our small group Bible studies have been a blessing and learning experience. To keep us all growing and in the Word, a winter/spring session of small group Bible study on Faith is being planned. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The session will begin approximately  February 17 and is 9 lessons long. You may sign up in the north hall by the bulletin board or by e-mailing brothers Rob Luginbuhl or John Getz.
     Baptisms - There's a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for food and workers for the upcoming baptism on January 20th.

Looking Ahead:  

Easter Program
Preparations will begin soon for the Easter program. If you would like to begin singing with the Youth Choir, the Men's Group, or Prairie Choristers, please send an email to Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com. (If you sang at the Christmas program, you are already on the email list).

Saturday 1/19 - Testimonies at 7:00
We plan to hear the testimonies of John Luginbuhl  and Hannah Sauder on Saturday, January 19th at 7:00pm and baptisms, Lord willing, on Sunday January 20th.

Friday evening 1/25 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 1 - ACCFS will present Parenting with a Purpose.  This 2 part seminar will be held at the Fellowship Hall. Bros. Brian Sutter and Craig Stickling will be the presenters. 
Saturday morning 1/26 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 2