1/13/2013 Announcements

Friday 1/18 - ICC/Bradley Young Group Benefit Dinner
The ICC/Bradley Young Group benefit dinner will be this Friday at the Morton Fellowship Hall.  Dinner will be served anytime between 6:00-7:00 followed by a singing program at 7:30 featuring Testify.  All donations will support the young group's mission trip to Cullman, AL in the spring.

Saturday 1/19 - Testimonies
We plan to hear the testimonies of John Luginbuhl  and Hannah Sauder this Saturday at 7:00 and baptisms, Lord willing, on Sunday January 20th.

Bulletin Board Sign Ups
     Winter/Spring Small Group Bible Study - Our next small group Bible study will be on Faith. Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The session will begin approximately  February 17 and is 9 lessons long. You may sign up in the north hall by the bulletin board or by e-mailing brothers Rob Luginbuhl or John Getz.
     Baptisms - There's a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for food and workers for the upcoming baptism on January 20th.

Remodeling Project
The Trustees are planning to remodel the men’s north hall restroom, starting on February 4th. The Trustees are asking for your cooperation. During the project, the men who are able to use the stairs please use the mens restroom in the basement.

Looking Ahead:  

Easter Program
Preparations will begin soon for the Easter program. If you would like to begin singing with the Youth Choir, the Men's Group, or Prairie Choristers, please send an email to Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com. (If you sang at the Christmas program, you are already on the email list).

Friday evening 1/25 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 1 - ACCFS will present Parenting with a Purpose.  This 2 part seminar will be held at the Fellowship Hall. Bros. Brian Sutter and Craig Stickling will be the presenters. 

Saturday morning 1/26 - Parenting with a Purpose - Part 2

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