3/29/15 Announcements

Sunday 3/29
  • Men’s Group Practice at  11:25 in the Bible Class Room.
  • Communion Service at 6:00

Wednesday 4/1 - No Church - due to Good Friday Services

Friday 4/3 - Good Friday Services - Song worship begins at 7:15

Sunday 4/5
  • Easter Sunday Schedule - A program of scripture and song will be presented on Easter Sunday morning. "O Glorious Day" will begin at 7:30 a.m. and will be followed by a breakfast in the dining room.  Our regular morning service will begin at the usual time of 9:45 and Sunday School will be held. There will be no lunch or afternoon service.
  • Easter Breakfast -  If you plan to attend, please sign up; there is a list on the bulletin board. For anyone wishing to help by assisting with set-up and food preparation, donating food items, or working during the breakfast, there is an additional sign-up on the bulletin board. It is the goal that anyone working at the breakfast will be able to attend the program as well.

Thursday 4/9 - Spaghetti Supper and Bake Sale for Heartline and Heart House -  It's at the Heart House in Eureka from 3:30-7:30pm.  We are needing baked goods donated for the bake sale, especially yeast rolls and breads.  The cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children.  This fundraiser supports the shelter program for homeless women and children as well as a safe haven for domestic violence victims.  Last year over 45 individuals were provided with shelter.

Saturday 4/11
  • Cemetery Cleanup at 8:00 AM -  Please bring rakes, baskets, buckets and weed trimmers.
  • Testimonies at 7:00

Sunday 4/12 - Baptisms - There is a sign up sheet for food donations and waitress help for the baptisms.  It is located on the ladies bulletin board.

Saturday 4/25 - Ladies Spring Breakfast - All ladies are invited to the Ladies Spring Breakfast at the Roanoke Fellowship Hall. Doors will open at 8:30 and breakfast will be served at 9. Please call, text, or email Sis. Erin (Scott) Leman for reservations by April 12th. The cost is $10 per person. Money will be due at the time of reservations. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend.

Sat/Sun 8/29-30 - The 2015 Apostolic Christian Men’s Sing at Washington  - An informational invitational letter was sent in an email this past week.  If you missed it a copy is posted on the north hall bulletin board or you may visit the website at www.acmensing.com.

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 4/15 - Evaluating  Family Goals by Bro. Darren Plattner
Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.
Wednesday 4/22 - Growing Children Through Seasons of Life by Bro. Justin Koch      

3/22/2015 Announcements

Sunday 3/22
     · Sunday School Easter Program
     · Minister Ballots Should be Returned Wednesday 3/25
     · W.O.W. at the Luginbuhl Home at 7:00

Establishing Godly Family Worship by Bro. Brian Sutter at the Fellowship Hall
     This is the first of a 3 part series of topical studies on Parenting . Future topics will be “Evaluating Family Goals" on April 15th and "Growing Children Through Seasons of Life" on April 22.

Sunday 3/29 - Communion Service at 6:00

Wednesday 4/1 - No Church - due to Good Friday Services

Friday 4/3 - Good Friday Services - Song worship begins at 7:15

Sunday 4/5
     Easter Sunday Schedule - A program of scripture and song will be presented on Easter Sunday morning. "O Glorious Day" will begin at 7:30 a.m. and will be followed by a breakfast in the dining room. Our regular morning service will begin at the usual time of 9:45 and Sunday School will be held. There will be no lunch or afternoon service.
     Easter Breakfast - If you plan to attend, please sign up; there is a list on the bulletin board. For anyone wishing to help by assisting with set-up and food preparation, donating food items, or working during the breakfast, there is an additional sign-up on the bulletin board. It is the goal that anyone working at the breakfast will be able to attend the program as well.

Saturday 4/11 - Testimonies at 7:00

Sunday 4/12 - Baptisms

Looking Ahead
Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.

3/15/15 Announcements

Sunday 3/15
  • Men’s Group Singing Practice at 11:25 - If you missed last week, It is not too late to join this group who will be singing on Easter Sunday. You can join them in the Bible class room at 11:25.
  • Deadline to register for Sister Heart Weekend at Francesville -  Attendees spend the weekend singing and recording music. The invitation letter is posted on the bulletin board. If you would like to attend, please fill out a registration form and return it to sisters Lydia or Leah Bertschi no later than March 15.
  • Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home 1:30

Wednesday 3/18
  • Scripture Memory Program
  • W.O.W. Cancelled - Due to the Scripture Memory Program, W.O.W. has been rescheduled for March 25.

Sunday 3/22
  • Sunday School Easter Program
  • Minister Ballots Should be Returned

Thank You - The Trustees really appreciate and want to thank all who helped clean the church (young and old).  It's a big job but many hands make light work and everything got done.

Looking Ahead

Sunday 3/29 - Communion Service at 6:00

Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.

3/8/15 Announcements

Sunday 3/8
  • Collection for the Roanoke Nursing Home
  • Men’s Group Singing Practice at 11:25 - It is not too late to join this group who will be singing on Easter Sunday. You can join them in the Bible class room at 11:25.
  • South Side Mission Services at 6:00 PM - Anyone willing to go should contact Bro. Tim or Sis. Cathy Hohulin for further details.

Monday 3/9 - Church/Fellowship Hall Cleaning 6:30  -  Due to circumstances, church cleaning and the fellowship hall cleaning will be held the same evening. Because we are planning both on the same night, we encourage and appreciate as much participation as possible.  If you find you are done at one building, please feel free to check the other site for available work.  Lunch will be served at the church at the completion of the evening.   If it is better for you to work during the day- work will begin at 9:00 am and lunch will be served. A signup sheet for lunch items is posted on the bulletin board by the dining room.

Wednesday 3/11 - Precommunion Service

Saturday 3/14 - National World Relief Meeting at Roanoke 3:30 - 8:30  - This is an informational meeting for all of our Apostolic churches from Illinois to the west coast.  Everyone - young and old - is encouraged to attend. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if you are able to help that day or host overnight guests. If you have any questions check with Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker. Thanks for being willing to help out.

Sunday 3/15 - Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home 1:30

Wednesday 3/18
  • Scripture Memory Program
  • W.O.W. Cancelled - Due to the Scripture Memory Program, W.O.W. has been rescheduled for March 25.

Sunday 3/22 - Sunday School Easter Program

Sister Heart Weekend at Francesville 4/18-19 - Attendees spend the weekend singing and recording music. The invitation letter is posted on the bulletin board. If you would like to attend, please fill out a registration form and return it to sisters Lydia or Leah Bertschi no later than March 15.

Redeeming the Time Together - is a new ministry opportunity for our church that is being developed with the intent to build relationships and friendships across generations.   Handouts, with additional information have been placed in the back hall. A sign-up sheet is posted for you to indicate your desire to participate at some level of involvement.

Yordys - There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board to support them with prayers, letters and/or packages.

Thank You  - The Sunday School would like to thank everyone for all the food donations, help and generous contributions given at the Spaghetti Supper.

Looking Ahead

Sunday 3/29 - Communion Service

Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.

3/1/15 Announcements

Sunday 3/1
  • Collection for Apostolic Christian Timber Ridge -  They are humbled by the incredible support they receive in prayer and in finances.  Funding from the state remain uncertain and as a result  their need for support grows each year.  
  • Men’s Singing Group - There will be a men's group for the early morning Easter program. They will begin practicing today in the bible class room at 11:25. Any men who would like to sing in this group should show up at the practice during lunch today or contact Bro. Phil Hodel at plhodel@gmail.com
  • Family Hymn Sing at 6:30 - Hearts of Praise, a ladies trio from Morton, will be with us for the evening.  There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board to help with refreshments.
  • Seeking a New Minister - This afternoon  Bro. Jeff Grimm will not be able to be with us due to a funeral.  Our plan is to have a shortened afternoon message followed by an exhortation on minister qualifications as outlined in God's Word.  A letter containing Scriptural references and a ballot will be sent to each home the first week in March. During this interim time, let us stay on our knees in prayer and keep discussions to a minimum to give the Holy Spirit free course.

Tuesday 3/3 - Helping Hands from 9-3:00 - If inclement weather, we will follow school open/close schedule.

Wednesday 3/4
  • Scripture Memory Class - Program practice
  • H.O.P.E. - Will meet at the Fellowship Hall at 7:30 to help set up for the Spaghetti Supper
  • W.O.W. - Will meet at the Leman home at 7:00

Saturday 3/7 - The Bible Class’s Annual Spaghetti Supper 4pm-6pm -  The Bible Class Spaghetti Supper is this Saturday, March 7 from 4-6:30 at the Fellowship Hall.  There is still a need for food donations.  Sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board.  Bible class parents and students will be receiving a reminder in the mail of their duties and time to arrive for their shift.  This is the only fundraiser for the Sunday school, and we appreciate the support of our church family.

Sunday 3/8
  • Collection for the Roanoke Nursing Home
  • South Side Mission Services Sunday Evening - Anyone willing to go should contact Bro. Tim or Sis. Cathy Hohulin for further details

Monday 3/9 - Church/Fellowship Hall Cleaning -  Due to circumstances, church cleaning and the fellowship hall cleaning will be held the same evening this year - Monday, March 9 beginning at 6:30 pm.  There is also opportunity to help during the day on Monday, if this works better for your schedule - work will begin at 9:00 am and lunch will be served.  Because we are planning both on the same night, we encourage and appreciate as much participation as possible.  If you find you are done at one building, please feel free to check the other site for available work.  Lunch will be served at the church at the completion of the evening.  A signup sheet for lunch items is posted on the bulletin board by the dining room.

Wednesday 3/11 - Precommunion Service

Saturday 3/14 - National World Relief Meeting at Roanoke  - This is an informational meeting for all of our Apostolic churches from Illinois to the west coast.  There will be 6 speakers talking on a variety of world relief topics. Everyone - young and old - is encouraged to attend. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if you are able to help that day or host overnight guests. If you have any questions check with Bro. Jim or Sis. Marge Braker. Thanks for being willing to help out.

Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - The purpose is to raise funds for the programs at the food bank. They currently have a need for auction items, services, and monetary donations. Any donations of auction items, services or money are need by March 6th and are greatly appreciated. Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.

Redeeming the Time Together - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.  James 1:17

Redeeming the Time Together is a new ministry opportunity for our church that is being developed with the intent to build relationships and friendships across generations and to share in the commonality of hearts that love and desire to serve the Lord.  The hope is to be an encouragement and support to one another and to glorify God while doing so.

The ministry will provide a frame work for opportunities to share the gifts the Lord has given to each of us to be a blessing to one another through the concept of "adoption". Lord willing, through this adoption, God-honoring friendships and relationships will be developed and strengthened.  Specifically, opportunities for adoption will include:  Visiting, Sending Cards, Prayer and Phone Calls.

Handouts have been placed in the back hall and an email with more details will be sent. Next Sunday a sign-up sheet will be posted, and will remain posted for a few Sundays, for you to indicate your desire to participate at some level of involvement. This will allow you some time to learn more about the ministry and to prayerfully consider if God would have you use your talents in this way.

Our target start date is April 2015

To our church family, we thank you for your prayerful support that God will be glorified in this endeavor

Looking Ahead

Wednesday 3/18 - Scripture Memory Class Program

Sunday 3/22 - Sunday School Easter Program

Sunday 3/29 - Communion Service