Sunday 3/29
- Men’s Group Practice at 11:25 in the Bible Class Room.
- Communion Service at 6:00
Wednesday 4/1 - No Church - due to Good Friday Services
Friday 4/3 - Good Friday Services - Song worship begins at 7:15
Sunday 4/5
- Easter Sunday Schedule - A program of scripture and song will be presented on Easter Sunday morning. "O Glorious Day" will begin at 7:30 a.m. and will be followed by a breakfast in the dining room. Our regular morning service will begin at the usual time of 9:45 and Sunday School will be held. There will be no lunch or afternoon service.
- Easter Breakfast - If you plan to attend, please sign up; there is a list on the bulletin board. For anyone wishing to help by assisting with set-up and food preparation, donating food items, or working during the breakfast, there is an additional sign-up on the bulletin board. It is the goal that anyone working at the breakfast will be able to attend the program as well.
Thursday 4/9 - Spaghetti Supper and Bake Sale for Heartline and Heart House - It's at the Heart House in Eureka from 3:30-7:30pm. We are needing baked goods donated for the bake sale, especially yeast rolls and breads. The cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children. This fundraiser supports the shelter program for homeless women and children as well as a safe haven for domestic violence victims. Last year over 45 individuals were provided with shelter.
Saturday 4/11
- Cemetery Cleanup at 8:00 AM - Please bring rakes, baskets, buckets and weed trimmers.
- Testimonies at 7:00
Sunday 4/12 - Baptisms - There is a sign up sheet for food donations and waitress help for the baptisms. It is located on the ladies bulletin board.
Saturday 4/25 - Ladies Spring Breakfast - All ladies are invited to the Ladies Spring Breakfast at the Roanoke Fellowship Hall. Doors will open at 8:30 and breakfast will be served at 9. Please call, text, or email Sis. Erin (Scott) Leman for reservations by April 12th. The cost is $10 per person. Money will be due at the time of reservations. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend.
Sat/Sun 8/29-30 - The 2015 Apostolic Christian Men’s Sing at Washington - An informational invitational letter was sent in an email this past week. If you missed it a copy is posted on the north hall bulletin board or you may visit the website at
Looking Ahead
Wednesday 4/15 - Evaluating Family Goals by Bro. Darren Plattner
Saturday 4/18 - Midwest Food Bank Annual Gala Dinner and Auction - Tickets to the dinner and auction are $50 (this would be a great evening for potluck groups). If you are willing to donate and/or wish to purchase tickets please contact: Bro. Rol and Sis. Carol Rumbold, Sis. Lynn Wuthrich, or Bro. Jon and Sis. Jill Fehr.
Wednesday 4/22 - Growing Children Through Seasons of Life by Bro. Justin Koch
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