7/24/16 Announcements

Thursday 7/28 - Adoption Informational Meeting at 6:30 - at Gateway Woods Family Services in Morton.  Additional information is on the bulletin board. 

Saturday 8/6 - Gateway Woods Auction - Anyone that would be willing to donate an item for the auction please contact Bro. Clark or Sis. Lisa Leman who will register your item for the sale. If you would rather give a cash donation the items can be purchased and delivered for you. Volunteers are also needed and welcomed on the day of the sale. Your willingness to give is greatly appreciated!

Sunday 8/14 - Martino/Knapp Wedding - As a reminder, each of you are invited to Bro. Kendall Knapp & Sis. Carla Martino’s wedding on August 14th.  If you will be able to attend the reception and have not yet signed up, please do so today.  They will be taking the list down after church. 

Saturday 9/10 - Ladies' Day  - is for all women high school age and above who attend Roanoke church. It will be a day of cross-generational interaction and fellowship through talks, discussions and activities. This event will be held at the Roanoke Fellowship Hall from 8:30 to 4:00, with registration and a coffee bar from 8:00-8:30. Please sign up on the bulletin board by August 8th, or RSVP to the email you will receive. If you have questions, please contact sisters Jill Sauder or Kathy Sauder. 

Saturday/Sunday 9/24-25 - Covenant Chamber Choir - Please mark your calendars for a special musical event in Roanoke. The Covenant Chamber Choir, a talented group of Apostolic Christian singers from the states of Ohio, Indiana, & Michigan, will be visiting Roanoke.  They will meet Saturday afternoon in Roanoke to practice and will present a performance on Saturday evening.  All of Roanoke church is welcome to come, as well as those from area churches.  If you would like to host a family with young children on overnight Saturday, please contact Sis. Jennifer Feucht.  Note:  his is typically the weekend Roanoke hosts invite-a-guest, which we will not be doing this year, due to the visit of the choir.
Hymns of Zion - the old Hymns of Zion are available for the congregation. Please see one of the trustees if anybody wants some.

3 Year Old Sunday School - there is a sign-up sheet on the back bulletin board for any 3 year olds who will be starting Sunday School this Fall.

Looking Ahead

Friday/Saturday 8/26-27 - Nursing Home Benefit - Please come out and show your support for this local mission

Haiti Awareness Tour - The next tour is scheduled for September 24-28, 2016. This quick trip includes visiting the Yordy’s, Hospital Lumiere and other AC HarvestCall projects in Haiti. If you are interested, contact Bro Rich Bertschi – lemangm@mtco.com or 467-2351.

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