Tuesday 2/7
- Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00
- Walk-in Bridal Shower 7-8pm - for Don & Theresa Rients' daughter Shellie, who is engaged to Critter Ernst. You can sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board, or email your reply to: jjbradle91@gmail.com
Saturday/Sunday 2/11-12 - Young Group Invite at Gridley - beginning Saturday afternoon at 4:00 at the Gridley fellowship hall.
Sunday 2/12 - All Church Potluck and Family Hymn Sing at the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 - Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please bring a covered dish. Sign-up sheets are posted in the north hall and by the ladies restroom for these attending. To help plan for the proper amount of meat, please sign up by Wed, Feb 8th.
Saturday 3/4 - Annual Sunday School Spaghetti Supper - There are two separate signup sheets on the north hall bulletin board. One for food donations from the congregation and a separate sign up for the parents of the bible class students.
Friday 4/7 - Save the Date: Ladies' Night - will be on Friday evening , April 7. This is for all women attending Roanoke church, high school age and above. More details will follow.
Saturday 4/22 - 2017 Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction at the New Food Bank - The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items. Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available for $50 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups. Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro.Jon or Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. Their contact information will be on the announcement posted in the north hall (Jon Fehr 309-275-4573(c) jonfehr@lemanauto.com, Jill Fehr 309-261-4711(c) jfehr@eureka.edu )
Satellite Services - These are locations where a small group of believers meet periodically: Palm Desert, CA; Ames, IA; Barra Vieja, Mexico; Rochester, MN; Bellevue, NE; Secaucus, NJ; Dallas, TX and Mauston, WI.
Small Group Bible Study on II Timothy - Each member and friend of our Roanoke church is again encouraged to participate. The winter session will begin about the third week of February and will be 8 sessions long, with each session lasting approximately 1hr. This study and format is similar to the Joshua Bible Study that was completed last year. We are excited to introduce this study which will carry on the discipleship and mentoring themes we have focused on recently. You may sign up by filling out a form in the North Hall or by calling or e-mailing Bro. Jeremy Knepp.
Roanoke Nursing Home - The Roanoke Apostolic Christian Home of Roanoke annual report was distributed last week with some challenging numbers, and the Board would like to explain the 2016 results. Over the past 4 years, our net income / loss had been trending in a positive direction, from a $241,000 loss in 2013, a $172,000 loss in 2014, and a positive $33,000 income in 2015. As the annual financial reports show, 2016 resulted in a $423,000 loss. We had a significant decrease in census in the home as well as the duplexes. Our Home had an 86% occupied rate in 2016, versus 92% in 2015.This resulted in greatly reduced income for the year. We also had to buy back two duplexes that have not sold yet which contributed $200,000 to our debt.
The board would like to reassure the congregation that we are aware of the situation and are working to adjust expenses until we can get the census back up to a manageable level. As announced Wednesday, we are also now offering our empty duplexes for rent to increase revenues and help manage the debt load, which currently stands at $949,000. Of that debt, the State of Illinois owes us about $347,000, and the empty duplexes amount to $200,000. Contributions in 2016 were near the 2015 level; we are very thankful for the generosity of our church and community and appreciate your help and prayers.
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