2/11/18 Announcements

Sunday 2/11
  • ACYF Evening Program in Tremont -The Bible Class plans to meet at the Roanoke High School at 4:30
  • Annual All-Church Potluck and Family Sing at the Fellowship Hall at 4:30- Meat and table service will be provided. A donation to cover the cost of the meat will be accepted. Please bring a covered dish to share. There is still time to sign up to attend. Please see Bro. Dave or Sis. Barb Schwind today to sign up.
Wednesday 2/14 - The 4th of a 7 Part Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews - Bro. John will speak on “The Ministry of Christ…The Sanctuary and Sacrifice.”  It would be good to read Heb. 9:1-10:18 before Wednesday evening.  

Friday 2/15 - The Roanoke Work Team Leaves for Haiti - to assist with the construction work.   They will spending their time working on school roofs and will have opportunity to interact with the Yordy family.  Please be prayerful for safe travel and that they could be a blessing to the Haitian people.

Saturday 2/17
  • Bible Class Volunteers at the Loaves and Fish Ministry in Peoria - They will meet at the Roanoke High School at 8:30am. The students and teachers should bring several canned goods to help the church's grocery program.
  • ICC/Bradley Y.G. Benefit Dinner at Morton Fellowship Hall from 5:00 - 7:00 - This benefit supports their mission trip this March to HarvestCall’s South Carolina Rebuilding Project.  There will be 8 from our congregation going on this trip. For additional information or to send donations, please see the flier on the bulletin board or contact Sis. Lydia Luginbuhl.
Sunday 2/25 - Apostolic Christian Life Points Collection -  Life Points has been blessed by the support and love of the brotherhood since 1971 when the agency started services which allows them to serve those in need.  The financial support of this church is greatly appreciated.

Saturday 3/3 - Annual Bible Class Spaghetti Supper from 4:00 -6:30 -  There are two sign up sheets on the North Hall bulletin board for food donations and Bible Class Parent helpers. Please note that this fundraiser is not for the mission trip, but for the Sunday School Fund.

Saturday 4/14 - The 2018 Midwest Food Bank Gala Dinner and Auction in Normal - The Roanoke committee is currently seeking homemade items, themed dinners or events, and business products or services as auction items.Cash donations can be used by the committee to purchase items for the gala or as Benefit sponsorships. Tickets to the event are also available for $50 per person. Tables of up to 8 seats may be reserved for groups. Deadline for donations and tickets is March 1st. Please contact Bro. Jon or Sis. Jill Fehr for ticket reservations or donations. (Jon: 309-275-4573(c)  jonfehr@lemanauto.com, Jill: 309-261-4711(c)  jfehr@eureka.edu)

Sunday 4/22 - Invite-a-Guest - Please mark your calendars and invite others to worship with us.  There will be a potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, followed by a singing.  Sign-up sheets with more information will be posted on the bulletin boards in March.

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