3/4/18 Announcements

Sunday 3/4 -  Nursing Home Collection - The Roanoke Nursing Home is in need of a new phone system as they are experiencing ongoing problems with their outdated equipment .  The have started a fundraising campaign in the community to raise $50,000 to purchase and install this new phone system.  Donations from the upcoming collection for the Nursing Home will be used specifically for this project.  If you have any questions, you can contact Bro. Nate Hoffman for details.

Monday 3/5
  • Church Cleaning All Day
  • Church and Fellowship Hall Cleaning from  6:00 PM
Tuesday 3/6 - Helping Hands from 9:00 - 3:00

Wednesday 3/7
  • Scripture Memory Class
  • High School WOW at Bro. Jon Fehr’s at 7:00
 Sunday 3/11
  • Leadership Transition - Bros Ron Messner and Kent Heimer will be with us to share with the congregation regarding the next steps in seeking new leadership for the Roanoke Church and to share scripture related to qualifications for church leadership.  This open meeting will be in place of our afternoon service  and we encourage all members and friends to be present.
  • Reception for Ben and Nelly Mangold from 1:30 - 3:00 at the Fellowship Hall - Everyone is invited. Due to the logistics of their move it is requested that cash or Amazon gift cards be given(they can be done online also).  Ben & Nelly  each have been living in barracks for the past year and once they get to Germany all household items will need to be purchased. Both Amazon and IKEA are nearby therefore no international shipping charges will be applied.
  • Scripture Memory Program at 6:30. This program is in place of the March Family Hymn Sing.  Pizza will be served in the dining room at 5:30. There are sign up sheets outside the women’s restroom. Please sign up by Wednesday, March 7th so we can plan accordingly for pizza. Donations will be accepted that night to cover the cost of pizza.
 Sunday 3/18 - Communion at 6:00 PM - Communion will also be served at the Home on 4/29

Sunday 4/22 - Invite-a-Guest - All are welcome to participate by inviting guests from another congregation to Roanoke church for the day.  There will be potluck supper at 4:00 at the Fellowship Hall, with a singing will promptly follow the supper.  Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin boards.  Any questions can be directed to Sis. Jennifer Feucht.

Thank You - The Sunday School expresses their appreciation for all who helped make the spaghetti dinner a success.  A special thank you to all the volunteers, those who donated food and who contributed financially.  God bless you!

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