5/13/18 Announcements

Sunday 5/20
·     Baccalaureate Service
·     Family Hymn Sing at the Nursing Home at 1:30

Tennessee Memorial Day Weekend - The theme for the weekend is “God’s Redeeming Work.”  Brothers Matt Kaufmann, Arlan Miller and Jonathan Hodel will be the guest speakers.  If your are interested in going, please contact Bro. Jonathan or Sis. Megan Hodel. 
Nursing Home
  • Jr. Volunteer Program for Students Coming out of 6th through High School - Applicants must complete the necessary paperwork and have it turned in by May 22.  Please contact Sis. Patsy Kaeb at the Nursing Home if your child is interested in volunteering this summer.
  • Volunteers Needed - Because of uneven pavement we are needing to knock out some concrete in the courtyard at the Nursing Home.  This project is going to take place on Friday evening, June 1. This project will take a lot of strong boys and men so we can have shifts.  We thought the first shift would come and tear out the concrete (maybe another shift to tear out if they get tired) and maybe an hour later the next group come to wheelbarrow it out to be hauled away.  Many hands make light work so please call the nursing home and let us know if you are willing to help even a couple hours. 
 Vacation Bible School ­will be held June 4-8. The following signup sheets have been posted on the bulletin board:
  • New Students: Please list names for incoming 3 year olds as well as children who are not on the Sunday School roster that plan to come to VBS.
  • Teachers and helpers for all Grade Levels: You only need to teach for a single night (more if you would like) and you can sign up by yourself, with   another brother, or as a husband/wife team.
  • Food Donations and Workers for Snacks
If you have any questions regarding the sign-ups or VBS, please contact Sis. Marjorie Bertschi or Sis. Jamie Hodel.

The Silver Lining  - is planning a special article section on "How to deal with grief and loss as a follower of Jesus Christ." You are encouraged to contribute. More information is on the bulletin board in the dining room hall.

Heritage Quartet (Francesville) - CDs are available in the back hall.  Please see Bro. Reggie if you have any questions.

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