10/25/20 Announcements

October’s Collection - Fellowship Hall Maintenance Fund


Sunday 10/25

  • Peoria Rescue Mission Service at 8:00 AM - If you are interested in helping to sing, we'll leave from the West parking lot at 7:15.  The service will go from 8 AM until approximately 8:45 AM.  Masks are required to enter the building.  Once you are seated in the sanctuary they are optional (but still recommended)

  • Communion at 6:00 PM - Bro. Ron Messner (Washington) plans to be with us. For those with extenuating circumstances, please contact Bro. Frank to reserve a pew. Details for Communion are attached to the e-mailed announcement. 


Wednesday 10/28 - Fall Memorandum - Bro. Mark Streitmatter (Bloomington) plans to be with us.  This year’s memorandum primarily addresses underlying issues that have surfaced during the pandemic.


October 31: Harvest Party from 7:00-8:30 for all Sunday School students (3 year old through 8th grade) -  This will be held in the church basement starting in the intermediate room with socially distancing and masking in place to follow guidelines similar to the School. The young group plans to put on a skit with games/activities/singing to follow. Each student is asked to bring 1 pound of individually wrapped candy.


Sunday 11/1 - Sis. Abby Moser and Bro. Jon Hohulin’s Wedding at 12:00 - There will be no snack after the 9:00 service.  There will be no 10:45 service.


Thursday 11/5 - 7 Hospital Lumiere's Virtual Benefit Auction -  Auction items should be in by Oct. 31. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website or the auction website at: https://www.32auctions.com/HospitalLumiere


Wednesday 11/11 - Megan Hodel’s Testimony and Baptism


Prayer - Our Nursing Home - There have been several cases of COVID. Pray for wisdom as they navigate this pandemic. 



  • Mida Fehr was baptized on Wednesday 

  • Jesse Fischer (Bro. Kevin and Sis. Annette) will be baptized in our Austin/Bastrop Church this weekend. 


Baby Room - It is the responsibility of the young families using the baby room to pick up toys at the end of the second service, wash sheets that have been used, take out dirty diapers, wipe off counters, etc. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the baby room. Please sign up if you are able to do this. Older moms and grandmas can sign up if they’d like to help out the young mothers. Thank you.


Other Ways to Serve 

  • October 25th - National Day of Prayer and Fasting - “Our nation is at a critical juncture. We need to call out to God for His help, His intervention, and His  mercy.”

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